Luvs Iesous

Musings by a 'single' church planter about the state of the internet and its effect upon the Church today.

Location: Texas

I am a 'native Texan' that loves travelling. Every where I go, I meet people that desire a deeper spiritual meaning to their lives. I ENJOY watching God's people respond to His call and watching God grow His churches. Can you tell that God has called me to plant churches?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Quiet time . . .

Quiet time . . .

Father you are a great and Holy God. I have no idea why you woke me early this morning, but I will spend some time with you in your prophesies.

I am always amazed at how thourough your predictions of your Son's advent were. Of course, that makes me worry about the second advent. How many people are so wrong! They think you are a little god to invoke and bring their new season . . . The second advent will see destruction on a scale that I cannot even begin to imagine.

Please Lord, do not drag out the destruction. Oh Lord, there are so many people do not know you.


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