Luvs Iesous

Musings by a 'single' church planter about the state of the internet and its effect upon the Church today.

Location: Texas

I am a 'native Texan' that loves travelling. Every where I go, I meet people that desire a deeper spiritual meaning to their lives. I ENJOY watching God's people respond to His call and watching God grow His churches. Can you tell that God has called me to plant churches?

Friday, August 31, 2007

Simplicity of God

Sometimes, I think we over analyze God. We spend so much time trying to make Him 'make sence', we make Him too complicated.

He is really simple. He IS God.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I have begun reading Aquinas' shorter summa. I am impressed.

I had become disillusioned with many of our 'modern theologians'. So much of our modern theology is very 'man centered'. Often, modern theology focuses upon the theologian and his (and even her) distorted view of God (or maybe more apropriately their gods).

The first few pages have shown me a mature image of God as developed by a theologian who was focued upon God and His essence.

I am truy impressed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I am ready (& need) a vacation.

So, I am planning a vacation to Mexico. I will update my blog with information as I 'learn' more about where I am going and what I will do while there.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Beautiful mornings

I love beautiful mornings . . .

Today is starting out cool and pleasant.

Thank You Lord for Your kindness and Your protection.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Have I forgotten that much?

I had forgotten just how bad "IT" could get . . .

"IT" is back pain. Oh, I know - everyone has had 'it'. But, still suffering from recurring "IT", I hope and pray that everyone has not had "IT".

When the pain goes up from the normal 2 to 5 level to the "IT" level 4 to 8, life goes from tolerable to insane in a hurry. I cannot stand for more than a few minutes. I cannot sit in the same position long. I cannot sleep well (not that I have slept through many nights in the last 5 years as 'it' has hurt daily), and I get down right mad at the world.

What is bad, is that I often get in a very foul mood for half an hour to two hours before I realize how bad the pain has gotten - side effect of living with pain for too long. By the time I realize my bitter enemy is back, I am miserable.

"IT" has ahold of me for the next couple of hours.

On the evolution of faith

I have often wondered, "If 'evolution of species' is correct, then why did faith evolve?"

How does faith help a 'hominid' survive and have a human as a descendant?

How did the Christian hope of eternity with God evolve if Jesus was not truly God in the flesh?

Technology is more work than it is worth.

I got a bunch of spam today, but I had difficulty sending someone an email (on myspace).

More and more, technology is restrictive rather than a multiplier. Unless of course, you are a crook and make your riches off of being able to out smart your targets firewall & anti-virus.

I hope that we reach a point pretty soon where technology can actually help us defeat the bad guys and live a more productive life. Then I would have been able to send a simple email saying thanks to someone on line.

Sunday, August 26, 2007



As much as I love my new job (old job anew), it does make me tired.

But, God, in His infinite kindness, has allowed me to heal enough that I do not hurt terribly; nor am I sleeping 10 or more hours. I am a long way from being healed, but I am soooo much closer than I was 8 months ago.

Thank you God for the job and for Your kindness.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dream Job . . .

God gave me a Dream Job . . . . again.

As a bi-vocational church planting pastor, I often struggle with more month than there is pay check. This is especially true in light of the debt I accumulated during seminary.

And along comes God and He gives me back my old job, as a free lance consultant. Part time, I can make about what I was making full time. And I can spend the rest of the time, working on the church start. I won't be dependent upon 'contributions'. And I love the job.

How cool is that?

Bible study . . .

Naturally, Bible studies are more fun the more that come . . . and tonight with 6 (The Trinity, me, myself, & I) was a very enjoyable time of praise.

God has been so good to me, that I just relaxed, praised Him, and thought deeply about some of His scripture. What does it really mean to pick up our crosses daily and follow Him?

Does that mean that I should replace the Mercedes emblem with a small golden cross? Of course that would mean that I would have to replace my car, but I probably would enjoy a Benz.

Does it mean that I should be penniless?

Or, more appropriately, does it mean that I should enjoy what God has set before me? Should I enjoy the hardships (& pleasures) of this short life? I think so. Not that giving up everything for Him is wrong, but rather, He sometimes gives us blessings without bound. And when He gives much, we should enjoy what He gives. And when He takes away, we should enjoy what is left. When He rings pain, we should enjoy the pain. When He brings laughter, we should enjoy the laughter.

And when He brings no one over for the study, I enjoy the peace and quiet.

But, I would rather have 20 over . . . just in His time.