Luvs Iesous

Musings by a 'single' church planter about the state of the internet and its effect upon the Church today.

Location: Texas

I am a 'native Texan' that loves travelling. Every where I go, I meet people that desire a deeper spiritual meaning to their lives. I ENJOY watching God's people respond to His call and watching God grow His churches. Can you tell that God has called me to plant churches?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Amazing times . . .

These are truly amazing times that we live in . . .

I spent several hours these last couple of days visiting with old friends that are working with disabled people in the Himalayas . . . what an unbelievable adventure. He is doing the negineering work that he loves and is not getting rich for it. Instead, he is doing the work because he wants to help people.

I wish more people were like him. If you ever meet Bruce, tell him "Wayne says 'hi'."

Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering Lesley

Remembering Lesley is not the easiest thing for a Texan that never met her could try to do. Yet, I know that she enjoyed and loved that special freedom that New Yorkers always talk about. She would have enjoyed the great culture of New York, from the museums to the waterfront.

Yet, I think her greatest contribution to America was her love. Her first action was to call her husband and tell him she was ok. I know that message must have been bitter sweet for him. Her love told him that he was loved, and she had lived through the initial impact. Yet, in a strange twist of fate, her call told him how she passed away.

In another twist, I was able to read how her legacy will continue on . . . in this day of internet and technology, a mother told how her daughter was named Lesley Anne. And several women commented that their names were Lesley Anne Thomas . . . As one would expect, each of these wrote how they would carry on the memory of Lesley.

We will remember Lesley's sacrifice and Joseph's loss in our hearts. And it is my prayer that we will each dedicate our lives to God, so that she will be honored in His eyes as well as in our hearts.

Tribute for Lesley Anne Thomas

Lesley had just moved from Sydney to New York. It was in Sydney that she had met and married her husband. A longer biography of her life can be found at As you can read in the longer bio, she is survived by her husband, Joseph O'Keefe her mother, Jackie Thomas of Green Point, Australia, and her brother, Mark of Tascott, in New South Wales.

Pennie Jenkins has said that Lesley was very caring and helpful when she worked on the Sydney Futures Exchange.

Tribute for Lesley Anne Thomas

How do I begin to remember someone that gave her life for the cause of freedom?

It is true that Lesley was not thinking about giving her life that morning. She was going to work. However, she was going to work at the World Trade Center. She was doing the job that she had done for years. She worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th Floor of One World Trade Center. And she lived in Hoboken, N.J.