Luvs Iesous

Musings by a 'single' church planter about the state of the internet and its effect upon the Church today.

Location: Texas

I am a 'native Texan' that loves travelling. Every where I go, I meet people that desire a deeper spiritual meaning to their lives. I ENJOY watching God's people respond to His call and watching God grow His churches. Can you tell that God has called me to plant churches?

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July . . .

It is the 4th of July and to tell the truth: well, I am really not in that patriotic of a mood. The medication I took earlier today made me really sick. Of course it was supposed to make me sick.

Aren't the fireworks and the music and people celebrating the 4th of July supposed to make us feel patriotic?

I guess they are supposed to. But, what if we are not in the mood?

It is a great country. And I reckon that we live in one of the few places on earth where we are free to feel unpatriotic even when we are supposed to 'feel' patriotic.

Me? I am gonna go back to feeling sick. But, in my heart, I am saluting those young men and women that are keeping me safe and free.

I thank God that He has seen fit to keep this country free.


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