Luvs Iesous

Musings by a 'single' church planter about the state of the internet and its effect upon the Church today.

Location: Texas

I am a 'native Texan' that loves travelling. Every where I go, I meet people that desire a deeper spiritual meaning to their lives. I ENJOY watching God's people respond to His call and watching God grow His churches. Can you tell that God has called me to plant churches?

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Basic Christianity is a family serving God. Basic Christianity is about forgiveness. Basic Christianity is about the Love of God.

It was His love for the creation that led Him to sacrifice His Son. And His Son is Our Savior - Jesus Christ. Simply said, everything about our family of believers revolves around Jesus. However, main-line Christianity has moved from being centered around Jesus to being centered around buildings, money, and denominationalism.

We need to return back to New Testament Faith. We need to return to the Faith that allowed the Disciples to lay down their lives so that they would sign the New Testament with their blood.

First who were the Apostles:

From Luke 6: 13 & following, Acts 1: 26, and Acts 14: 14:

He chose twelve whom He also named apostles: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot; 16 Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot who also became a traitor and later Matthias, and Paul.

Years ago, the realization came to me that history says that 12 of 13 men died willingly (were martyred for their faith) because they believed that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. The fourteenth Apostle Judas Iscariot killed himself when he realized what he had done. We are not certain if the Apostle John was martyred, some believe that he was also martyred.

Men do not willingly die peacefully for their cause by the dozen(s). As men we are willing to fight for what we believe, but to surrender to the authorities knowing we will be killed is not what men do. We go down fighting . . . at least that is what we do until we encounter Jesus Christ and submit to His Deity and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The only reason that the Apostles signed their faith in their blood is that they KNEW the Truth and the Truth had set them free from this world.

We need that freedom in our lives.

2 sets of strange things happened today.

I met several people that showed me their good side and some others showed me their not so good side. The bad people behaving badly on the road were most likely trying to distract me from God's work. Yet, on the same day, I met several people that wanted to talk about the church. These are the people that I live to talk to.

Two specifically asked if I would remember to invite them 'to the church', and a couple of people asked me what the name of the church was.

Robert and Nicole specifically asked me to remember them as I start the church. The bus lady at the mexican restaurant asked about the church today. And others asked about it as well. Overall today was an excellent day for witnessing to those around me.

God . . . thank you for bringing your people my direction.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Buying a bed . . .

Why is it so difficult to find a great bed?

And of course, why can't the sales people be great and honest? Each sales person told me "This bed will be great for your back." And I was routinely informed that if I was not satisfied in 30 or more days, they would exchange the bed for me.

OK . . . each and every bed is good for my back. And if it isn't I can return it (after enduring back pain from sleeping in the bed . . . ) on good faith.

Well, the good news, is that since I really do have a back injury, the bed may be tax deductible.

But, how do you find out if the bed is good for you? That is what is difficult. I have absolutely no idea how to find out which bed is good for me.

Until I find the right bed, this will be a difficult search.

Musing about reading . . .

I started reading In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. In His Steps was given to me from my Grandfather's books after my my grandmother died. Ironically, I discovered my copy of a biography of Charles Sheldon as I was trying to find financial paper work for my house loan.

Wow! I only made it a couple chapters in In His Steps before I began reading the biography. What a life. Charles lived an excellent life and did so much for mankind and His Lord. He made a real impact on the lives of people around him.

And of course In His Steps changed so many lives. Maybe it has changed your life, because it unleashed a phrase that became a popular question just a couple of years ago: "What would Jesus do?"

Honestly? What would Jesus do?

Well, it is laundry time again. However, I am busier trying to understand 'why' furniture is so expensive.

While there have been occasional exceptions:

Why should product b, that contains half the cost in materials cost twice as much as product a? Now I have seen this for tables, hutches, and chest of drawers. Consistently, the item with 'pretty' fiber board, plywood, and veneer, costs more than the real wood item. Naturally, each and every sales person says that their item is worth so much more because they have 'xyz' that the other companies do not place in their furniture.
So far, I think I will get most of my furniture from the 2 most reasonably priced unfinished furniture places that I have found.

Really, why does shopping for furniture feel like you are walking into a trap?

I just do not get 'it'. Oh well.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Remembering those that have gone on before.

"There is a time for . . . . [everything]."

This spring both of my grandmothers, a dear great aunt, and a really great cousin have gone on to be with the Lord.

I miss them. And it will be some time before I get to see them again.

Yet, they each shared a part of their lives with me. And their memories leave me with more than just bitter sweat memories, their memories leave me with inner strength as I go forward. Their strength as they went to be with the Lord adds to my strength as I prepare to work for the Lord . . .

Thank you Grandma, Grandma, Roger, and aunt Marie.

And of course, I want to thank God for sharing them with me.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Interest rates

Well in buying a house, one has to deal with interest rates. My mortgage company drug their feet a little (it was actually more complicated - but, that should suffice for a short answer). Interest rates went up a lot. So, I asked to lock in our rate Monday. Naturally, I am praying that rates come down a little bit.

Whew! I am ready to move in! READY!

I am really ready to start small group Bible studies and grow God's people . . . Wow! I am just amazed at God and His grace. He is willing to work even through a sinner like me. That is just awesome! Not that I am a sinner, but that He is a great God. I do not sin that grace may abound more, rather I sin because I am a pitiful human. And without the grace of God through faith in His Son, I would spend eternity separated from God in Hell. Instead of what I have earned, God's grace is something I just do not deserve.

And on top of that He has given me a good paying job, so that I can afford to start a church; and He is giving me a house to start His church from.

He is awsome.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

House buying

Buying houses is an interesting proposition. Just when you think everything is ready to close, it is another week or so.

Kinda makes me think that some folks don't really want to sell their houses.

However, this is the part of the economic engine that they say is driving our economy . . . And they are laying down houses sooooo quickly. Beautiful houses. . . . And should close on this house, my house will be beautiful as well.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Long days!


Long days, like today, really tire me out. Without living in the past, I realize that I am no longer a 30 year old man getting ready for airborne school . . . Some days, I just plum get tired.

Today, I got tired.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I noticed this week, as I was driving around town for my Great-Aunt's funeral, that much of our town is in decay. Being a relatively intelligent person, I would guess that all cities face the slow decay of our buildings and roads. Maybe I was just being melancholy, but I really felt sad for the city.

I mean, shouldn't a city be vibrant? Shouldn't a city be beautiful? It is vibrant where the city is new. The city is beautiful where it is newer. But, in many areas of the city - the older buildings are falling apart. The older neighborhoods have trees that have not been pruned for years. The yards in older neighborhoods have spots where the grass is dying.

It was sad to see the decay. And it was even sadder to realize that I could not do much about it.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


I had a great conversation with Jorgé this evening at North Star Mall. It was great to meet a friend from back home. Yes, I am a Texan and he is a Mexican, but we are both from the border. And as many snowbirds have told me over the years, they think that all of us are 'Mexicans'.

Jorgé and his friend Ginger and I discussed (and tried to solve) so many of Mexico's political problems. And yes, we tried to solve some of the social inequalities in our world.

No doubt Jorgé was surprised that an Anglo could understand his people.

Well, I try.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Well a month and a half have passed; my great aunt spent most of that in the hospital; she passed away last week; and she was buried this week.

And I am still not ready to 'close' on my house, so that I can start a Bible study.

Oh well, God has been so good through it all.

After the funeral service, Hector drove me over On the way back from my aunt's graveside service, I was able to share with Hector. He shared with me how much working with a funeral home has grown his appreciation for life. He said that watching gang bangers throw their lives away at such a young age has made him appreciate life much more.

He then replied to a work phone call, and I tho't I won't be able to talk to him anymore. Yet, he finished his phone call just in time for me to ask how much he had thought about the after life. As so many reply, that are spiritually tuned, Hector wanted to know more about Jesus. He asked me to give him time to think about what he would answer God to get into His Heaven. He asked me to follow up at a later time.